Skin: Tighten & Tone


Skin: Tighten & Tone ~ A general tonic formulated to help restore muscle tone, increasing cell and tissue restoration and regeneration, tightens and tones to prevent sagging skin after weight loss.  Formulated to restore and balance depleted adrenal glands, stimulates the lymphatic system, detoxifies and tones connective tissues and epidermis through capillary stimulation improving cell restorative power.

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Skin: Tighten & Tone ~ A general tonic formulated to help restore muscle tone, increasing cell and tissue restoration and regeneration, tightens and tones to prevent sagging skin after weight loss.  Formulated to restore and balance depleted adrenal glands, stimulates the lymphatic system, detoxifies and tones connective tissues and epidermis through capillary stimulation improving cell restorative power. Assists toning the digestive tract, digesting starchy foods and fats, eases inflammation, and restores moisture to dry and dehydrated skin.  Beneficial for stretch marks, wrinkles, chapped skin, skin allergies, minimizing scaring, integrates energy to all areas of the body balancing the upper and lower body centers.  May assist with the absorption of Vitamin C which is beneficial for strengthening the cellular walls. 

Contains:  Carrot Seed, Cypress, Fennel, Geranium, Helichrysum italicum, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Orange, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Pine, Rosemary, Spruce F.C.O.

CAUTION:  When using Helichrysum italicum, be very careful if dealing with a person who has a blood disease that causes them to be a CLOTTER (vs. a bleeder) OR when using medications that cause thickening or clotting of the blood.  Remember LESS is BEST and usually, only  1 – 2 drops at most are needed.


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