CARROT SEED (Daucus carota):Â Â May assist in dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, revitalizing and toning, mature complexions, wrinkles, accumulation of toxins, arthritis, gout, edema, rheumatism, anemia, anorexia, colic, indigestion, liver congestion, muscle toxins, dysmenorrhoea, and glandular problems.
This highly nutritious plant contains substantial amounts of Vitamins A, C, B1, and B2. The roots have a strong tonic action on the liver and gall bladder, good for the treatment of jaundice and other complaints. The SEEDS are used for the retention of urine, colic, kidney and digestive disorders and to promote menstruation, emmenagogue*.Â
Constituent:Â Alcohols/Esters/Monoterpenes
Descriptor:Â Sedative, relaxant, stimulant, anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, antispasmodic, stimulates liver and aids digestion.Â
Eco-Cultivated:Â France or India
Distilled:Â Seed
*Caution:Â Pregnant and nursing women should avoid since this oil is an emmenagogue.
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