MANDARIN, RED (Citrus nobilis): GRAS ~ May assist hiccups, congested and oily skin, acne, stretch marks, spots, scars, toner, fluid retention, hiccups, PMS, menstrual cramps, indigestion, dyspepsia, intestinal problems, obesity, strengthening the liver, increase of lymphatic circulation by assisting detoxification and insomnia (especially if caused by nervousness), nervous tension and restlessness. May aid cardio-vascular erethism*. Europeans regard this SHeMeN/oil as a safe remedy for children and the elderly.
Emotional Influence: Brings up child like energy, aids in getting a “handle” on and accepting routines, favorite of children.
Constituent: Esters/Monoterpenes
Descriptor: Alkalizing, tonic, stimulates liver, aids digestion, decongestant.
Eco Cultivated: Italy
Expressed: Pressed Peel
CAUTION: Avoid direct sunlight for 3—6 hours after use. Use with Caution during Pregnancy.
*Erethism: According the World English Dictionary it is, physiologically, an abnormal high degree of irritability or sensitivity in any part of the body and, in regards to psychiatry, it is a disorder resulting from mercury poisoning or an abnormal tendency to become aroused quickly, especially sexually, as a result of a verbal or psychic stimulus.
According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, erethism or erethism mercurialis is a symptom complex of mercury poisoning, presenting with excessive shyness, timidity and social phobia. Note, this was common amongst hat makers of old England who used mercury stabilize the wool in a process called felting. It is believed that the character the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland was an example of such.
Today, we have mercury poisoning from vaccinations, chemtrails and amalgam dental fillings which has been documented as being harmful to the heart and cardio-vascular system. Remnant Mama suffered from cardio-vascular erethism before having amalgam fillings removed and having I.V. chelation treatments followed by detoxing with herbs.
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