

May aid digestion, water retention, obesity, lymphatic, digestive & nervous systems, stretch marks, cellulite, diarrhea, constipation, parasites, intestinal & muscle spasms, circulation . . .

Earn up to 17 Points.


Clementine (Citrus clementina):  Crisp, uplifting aroma invoking the feeling of calming and warming sunshine.  Medical research indicates that the chemical constituent of limonene found in citrus oils and Frankincense may aid gallstones, heartburn and reflux (GERD) and may help to prevent different types of cancer due to its properties.  

Emotional Influence:  Aids to relieve emotional grief, stress, fear and insomnia.  Inclines one to be cheerful, inspires and assists to bring SHaLoM (a sense of peace).

Suggested Companion Oil:  This oil is AMAZING when combined with Sandalwood or Sandalwood Jojoba.

Descriptor:  Stimulates liver, aids digestion, decongestant, alkalizing, calming, anti-febrile (anti-fever).

EcoCultivated:  Algeria

Expressed:  Plant

*Organically grown but not certified.