CITRONELLA (Cymbopogon winterianus/nardus): GRAS ~ May assist in alleviating headaches, fatigue, respiratory infections and oily skin. This oil has been used for its medicinal value in many cultures for fever, intestinal parasites, digestive and menstrual problems, stimulant, insect repellent and room deodorizer.  Beneficial for excessive perspiration, oily skin and hair, stress related conditions, colds, flu, inflammation, rheumatism and arthritis pain, minor infections, fatigue, headaches, migraines, and nervous conditions.
Constituent:Â Aldehydes/Monoterpenes
Descriptor: Â Alkalizing, tonic, stimulates liver and aids digestion.Â
Eco-Cultivated:Â Â India, Ceylon
Distilled: Leaf
CAUTION: Use with Caution during Pregnancy. May irritate sensitive skin. Inhaling can increase heart rate.
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