BOOST VITALITY ~ Formulated to support and improve vitality. Supports the respiratory, digestive, and glandular systems (thyroid). Beneficial for the lymphatic, neuro-balancing, heart stimulant, relieves depression, anti-inflammatory, and improves balance of the thyroid. Very effective for hormonal disturbances and has been known to release emotional blocks related to the past and to bring balance. May alleviate hot flashes and stimulate weight loss by improving metabolic function.
Supporting to the adrenal glands, increasing energy (general stimulant), soothing for anxiety and stress related complaints and recognized for its benefits of strengthening the complete body. Formulated to emotionally promote peace, happiness, clarity, zest, and a positive outlook.
Application: Put on thyroid, kidneys, liver (right front), pancreas (left front) and glands. Applied over the throat it may help a person express their true feelings.
Companion SHeMeN/Oils: Spruce, Sandalwood, Frankincense and Ishah Care (Feminine-Aid)
Contains: Spearmint, Myrtle, Sage, Nutmeg, Geranium, Myrrh and German Chamomile. Available NEAT or with F.C.O. (Fractionated Coconut Oil).
If you would like to order, NEAT (Undiluted) contact us for pricing.
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