LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon flexuosus): May stimulate digestion and liver, regulating the parasympathetic system, strengthening vascular walls, regenerating connective tissues, immune stimulant and lymphatic drainage. Aids clearing infections, repairing ligaments, improving eyesight, bladder infection, kidney disorders, fluid retention, edema, varicose veins, excessive perspiration, insect repellent (fleas, lice, ticks), opening pores, tissue and muscle toner, aids poor circulation and stress. Recent research has indicated it helps fight cancer.
Recent research at the University of Ben Gurion in Israel has identified and isolated the chemical Citral in Lemongrass which makes it function as a natural herbal cancer remedy. Citral gives the lemon aroma to Lemon Verbena and MELISSA as well and functions as a natural herbal remedy for cancer. Citral causes cancer cells to die while leaving healthy cells to do their job (
Emotional Influence: Mental awareness, calming and purification.
Constituent: Aldehydes/Monoterpenes
Descriptor: Anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, stimulates liver, aids digestion, decongestant.
Eco-Cultivated: India
Distilled: Plant
Remnant Remedy Sources 4 types of Essential Oils: 1) Wild crafted; 2) Organic Certified; 3) Organic (not certified) and 4) Eco-Cultivated: Farmed but in an eco-sensitive manner and not agrabiz grown. Plants are grown in a traditional manner specifically for aromatherapy and therapeutic use. If at all possible when sourcing our essential oils, we look at how plants are grown and for what purposes as well as regional and agricultural practices.
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