Per emailed supplement list.
2 Scoops Daily – IP6 Supreme – take 30 min or 1 hr before a meal OR, if after a meal, preferably wait 1 -2 hours
Best before bed or middle of night or early before or after waking up. If taken at night it’s good to relax.
Can take Magnesium Glycinate at same time.
Imprint 10 minutes before and after food or drink
EnerGDine – 3 drops in water earlier in day is best – 10 minutes away from food/drink
Cod Liver and Core Copper – 2 caps WITH food/meal 2 – 3 times a day.
3 Greens Liquid Chlorella – as directed on bottle – 1/2 Tsp mixed with water or juice 2 times daily. Best away from food.
CircuHeart with a meal to avoid burning stomach.
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