
FOOT REFLEXOLOGY CHART (Notecard) with English and Hebrew: A useful tool for applying SHeMeN (essential oils). Front of Note Card has brief description SHeMeN (essential oils) from a Hebrew perspective. Inside note card is chart of the bottom of the feet while the back side of the note card is a chart of top of the feet reflexology points.

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NEW!!  Now with English and Hebrew!

Remnant Remedy’s FOOT REFLEXOLOGY CHART (Notecard)
2-Sided, 4.5H” x 7.25H”

A useful tool for applying SHeMeN (essential oils).  Front of Note Card has brief description SHeMeN (essential oils) from a Hebrew perspective.  Inside note card is chart of the bottom of the feet while the back side of the note card is a chart of top of the feet reflexology points.

Attention!  If you want to ORDER ONLY this FOOT CHART, email us for payment info as this shopping cart will charge a minimum for shipping and it only takes a postage stamp!   Thus, each chart is only $2.50 with postage. 

If you order these charts along with other items, there shouldn’t be an overshipping charge problem. 

A clear and colorful presentation of the reflex areas revealing the glands, organs and parts of the body that each reflex area corresponds to.

The design of these charts, utilizing the shape of the feet, greatly assists identification of the reflex areas.