PETITGRAIN BIGARADE (Citrus aurantium var amara): Leaves from the bitter orange tree. May assist with re-establishing nerve equilibrium, fatigue, insomnia, excessive perspiration, acne, greasy skin and hair, boils, cellular and tissue regeneration. Eases breathing and nervous asthma, useful for respiratory infections, relaxes muscle spasms (of nervous origin), increases muscle tone, eases joint inflammation, aids arterial circulation, eases palpitations and cardiovascular spasms. Used for insomnia, gas, excessive perspiration, depression, nervous exhaustion, stress, mental fatigue and gives mental clarity. Anti-bacterial, immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-infectious.
Emotional Influence: Calming, relieves stress and mental fatigue giving mental clarity and positive energy promoting optimism. Promotes a feeling of confidence, helps increase inner vision, stimulates the conscious mind and clears perception. Beneficial for panic, anger, anxiety, eases disharmony and re-establishing nerve equilibrium.
Constituent: Monoterpenes/Esters
Descriptor: Alkalizing, tonic, stimulates liver, aids digestion and decongestant.
EcoCultivated*: Paraguay
Distilled: Leaf & Twig
*Grown organically but not certified.
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